Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Current Events Quiz 2

1. APD members are taking classes on how to deal with aggressive dogs because they realized in the classes they took before was not very helpful. They saw this in the light of several recent high-profile dog shootings.
2. The fourth worker who contracted ebola arrived in Atlanta to be treated.
3. The kid's family is suing because they said the Lake Travis Youth Association for ignoring safety in the weather conditions.
4. Apple will be releasing a watch and a new iPhone within the next 6 months.
5. Ray Rice has been charged with domestic violence, and has been banned from the league.
6. A kid at the opening UT football game was using a drone and flying it over the stadium to take pictures. The student was suspended from school, and released pending further investigation. The drone as well, was retrieved from the student.
     I believe that this is wrong. The student was only taking pictures of the game, and not intending to harm anyone at all. It was brought up that it might have crashed, and caused harm. Well, I do think that that is definitely possible, however he should've been punished if and only if that had been the case. He should not have been suspended, the police were being over protective.
     I think that the police might have been being a little too cautious, even though in the sense that drones are a new technology. However int he future, I think that it might relax a bit, once that the technology is more common. Even then, it might become a problem again, as a use of terrorism.
     I think that drones shouldn't be restricted. because new technology is beneficial to society. However if they are being used to break the law, in anyway, such as invasion of privacy, they should not be used, even if the intention is good. This also should not just be restricted to the common citizen, but also the government.

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