Friday, January 23, 2015

Photoshoot One

This is Metal and the rule of photography is "Background."

This is Happy and the rule of photography is "Cropping."

This is Bowie and the rule of photography is "Lines."

This is Square and the rule of photography is "Symmetry and Patterns."

Current Events Quiz 4.2

1. Greg Abott is now the 48th governor of Texas.
2. At the luncheon they ate barbeque.
3. Tax hikes, Tax breaks, Education, Paid leave, Homeownership, Retirement savings, Middle East, Cuba, Iran, Trade, Cybersecurity, and No Going Back.
4. 11 of the 12 balls were under inflated.
5. Chicken, meatloaf, banana bread, pancakes, chili.
6. Greg Abott was sworn into office as the 48th governor on Tuesday. His speech following the oath focused on "advancing education, improving roads, expanding water resources, securing the border and "keeping Texas the economic engine of the United States of America." In his first week as governor, Abott is getting straight to work. He will be addressing his first death penalty, as well as making a grant announcement for the Rio Grande ValleyMedical School. There were among 4,000 in attendance at the inauguration.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

Photo editing is tolerated differently in other parts of the world, but in America, there is an extremely low tolerance. Cropping objects out or adding them into photos is always not allowed in the US.

I think this is un-ethical because it's not just changing the color or tone of the photo, but altering the objects in the photograph entirely.

I think that this is the worst because it's a total lie. If nobody was there don't make it your front page photo. If the even was really that important, then the magazine would've had a photographer there.

I think that this is the least un-ethical because the photographer didn't add any new objects or take anything away that wasn't there, it's the same place, at virtually the same time.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Rules of Photography Quiz

1. Leading Lines
2. Avoiding Mergers
3. Leading Lines
4. Depth
5. Simplicity
6. Avoiding Mergers
7. View point
8. Symmetry
9. Framing
10. View point


This is an example of cropping because there are many other people in the photo other than the fireman. However, he was able to crop most of the heads of the other people, creating focus on the fireman.


This creates depth because the photographer is on the ground, and the photo is centered around a large building towering above him. Also buildings on the left and right appear like towers as well, imposing the fact that he well below the buildings.


This is an example of viewpoint because of the level the photographer is at. Rather than being on the street, the photographer is at almost the exact level of Towers, creating a more even view of them.

Symmetry and Patterns

This is an example of symmetry because of the dividing line up the middle of the road. It exhibits the contrast between each side of the road, knowingly that everyone is headed out.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Avoid Mergers

This is an example of a merger because everything in this photo is yellow. However, the merger works in this context to illustrate the idea of how much soot, ash and debris there was in the air.


This is an example of balance because the photo is centered around the single crumbling building, while also being complemented by the tree and other tower.

Rule of Thirds

This photo was taken vertically, so the thirds is focused on the top two thirds containing images on the two burning towers.


This is an example of framing as the main subject (the firemen) are surrounded by the photos of their fallen peers, drawing attention to the.


This is an example of simplicity as the entire photo is gray. Having this overtone, creates similar plain background patterns, making a photo with a single focus.


This is an example of leading lines dues to the smoke drawing attention away from the center of the photo. This also creates the feel that the building is not centered or stable, so the smoking going outwards actually creates a feeling of instability.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Lonestar Dispatch Issue 3

Futures made with college acceptances

1. Seniors applied for colleges last year. This year, its important to everyone who did apply on when they receive there letter of acceptance.
2. Senior Seren Regalado, college and career center advisor Veronica Castillo, and Alexandra Clayboss
3. "They were very excited that their little boy is growing up," Regalado said.
4. Yea
5. Quote

Penalties for off campus lunches

1. During lunch only seniors are allowed to go off campus. However, many underclassmen attempt to sneak past security and get off campus.
2. Senior Hallie Arnold, AP Vincent Trevino
3. "You could easily het hit crossing the road or mugged walking through the velaway."
4. No
5. Statement

 Unlock the door with the key of imagination and journey into today's technology and social media as we tour the infinite possibilities in time and the foreshadowing future

1. It has become the norm to carry around a cell phone at all times. But are we as humans using phones too much and is it impeding on reality?
2. junior Madison Jackson, junior Minh-Thi Nguyen, senior Emily Gonzales
3. "I would rather call up a friend and hang out with them in real life than stare at a screen to communicate with them over Twitter or Instagram," senior Emily Gonzales said.
4. Yea
5. Statement

Rowing team shares their boating experiences

1. Rowing is a school sport but it somewhat popular with other students. They are on clubs or select teams, and constantly on the water.
2. junior Mary Geisinger, junior Ben Bell, senior Ben Patterson
3. "It's a great way to stay in shape"
4. No
5. Statement

Long lives country fans' dream

1. Lyndsey Long was able to go to the CMA's on November 5th. She got to visit the city of Nashville also, which is centered around music similar to Austin.
2. junior Lyndsey Long
3. "Both cities are very musically centered
4. Yea
5. Quote

'Bootylicious' Kardashian drama

1. Kim Kardashian's most recent sensation is the 'Break the Internet' photoshoot, with a photo of her butt on the cover of paper magazine. This contains an underlying negative connotation towards women, iconizing them as stupid sex symbols.
2. None
3. None
4. Yea
5. Statement

Re-Written Leade for Off Campus Lunches

Lunchtime is a time for friends and food. Nowadays outside of school, many people go out to lunch, but during the school day, people who can go off campus for lunch is restricted. Only seniors are allowed to leave campus, however many underclassmen attempt to sneak past security and get off campus for lunch.

My idea for the paper would be something about valentines day.

CE 4.1

1. 12 people were killed.
2. The tail is important because that is where they kept the black boxes.
3. Homeowners should have safe heating equipment inside and check their smoke detectors.
4. They sell equipment for those who suffer from diabetes.
5. I would attend the Indie chef week because I like that type of food.
6. Dan patrick thinks that "school choice" should be legalized because he thinks that kids should be able to choose what school they belong to and not be limited by things like financial constraints. Ken Zariffs disagrees because he thinks that public dollars should stay in public schools. I agree with Zariffs because our school district is already suffering from budget cuts. If they take more money from the place where the district gets there money to give to schools that have money, what are we accomplishing? I would never go to a public school simply because I like my school now. I also really don't like all the stereotypes of private schools, and I don't want to get thrown into that.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

2014 in Picutres

I like this photo because it is a protest of Eric Garner decision, and it looks cool, as the traffic is cut off in the same spot both ways.

I like this photo because it's funny to see adults in a kids setting acting like adults.

I like this photo because it looks like something from out of this world, but in reality its a rocket launcher.

My favorite song of 2014 Sunday Candy by Donnie Trumpet and the Social Ecperiment because of the piano-based instrumental, that makes me feel good every time I hear it. Also, its good to hear raps about love rather than sex and pushing drugs every now and then.

I like this movie more than any other this year because Korea threatening us made it that much better from also being hilarious.

I believe this was the most important news story of the year because it was additional fuel to Feurgeson protests, and a testament to the corrupt judicial system present in America.

I think Obama has done well this year with sticking to what he believes is best for this great nation.

I think that J Cole was a very influential person of 2014 with the release of his new album, 2014 Forrest Hills Drive, promoting the love and happiness found only in the roots of your family and true friends, not the fake Hollywood stuff.

Over break, I went to St. Louis Missouri to visit my old friends and family, because I used to live there. I don't usually have new years resolutions, but this year I want to improve my personal hygiene. In 2015 I looking forward to the new Kendrick Lamar album, and hoping Tyler will release another album, or finnish the movie.