Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Lone Star Dispatch 4

Front Page: Annual Teacher of the Year Award Announced

Kimberly Shuttlesworth (band director) was awarded the 2014-15 Teacher of the Year award. She has been nominated multiple times over the past few years. Kids have always seen her as a role model and appreciate the way she treats them.

Who: Kimberly Shuttlesworth
What: Teacher of the Year award
When: 2014-15 School Year
Where: Bowie
Why: Works hard 24/7 and respects and treats students well
How: She was awarded the TOTY award among other nominees

Kimberly Shuttlesworth, senior Bree Zuberier, junior Henry Cardenas, were all quoted.

The strongest wrote was "She has been nominated every year that I have been at Bowie," senior Bree Zuberier said.



Student Life: Deborah Moreno starts music career by joining Son De Rey

Deborah Moreno, a junior at Bowie, has officially joined her dads band Son De Rey full time this year. Deborah says that she really enjoys playing and singing in the band. They have recently been working on their new album, and her and the rest of the band are very excited for its release.

Who: Deborah Moreno
What: Her band Son De Rey
When: 2014-15 School Year
Where: Recording studio, outdoor and indoor performance around the country
Why: She really enjoys music
How: Her dad let her join the band full time

Junior Deborah Moreno, band memmber Luis Ramirez, and father David Morenon were all quoted.

The strongest quote was "If there's a big crowd, it's just a really good feeling because all these people cam to see us," Deborah said.



News: School wide Science Fair competition held

This past month, the Bowie science fair was held among students of all classes. Many of them are advancing past this competition and will continue to compete in the regional fair. All ideas came from any sort of inspirations, it was not restricted to a single source.

Who: Bowie Science Fair participants
What: Bowie Science Fair
When: Thursday January 22nd, 2015
Where: Bowie
Why: Annual fair
How: Completed by students

Biology teacher Jessica Davis, junior Ksenia Vlassova, freshman Kyle O'Rourke, and freshman Shravani Deo were all quoted.

The strongest quote was "There were probably over a hundred," biology teacher Jessica Davis said.



Sports: World champion hits the target

Junior Brooke Landry has been throwing knives since she was 5. Since then, she has earned 3 world titles and is known as the highest ranked female knife thrower in the world. Brooke enjoys doing it day in and day out, and continues to practice to improve.

Who: Brooke Landry
What: She's good at knife throwing
Where: Bowie
When: since she was 5 years old
Why: She likes throwing
How: Always practices and attends competions

Junior Brooke Landry, freshman Gillian Stittler, and father Mike Landry were all quoted.

The strongest quote was "I got into it when I was five, so it's just the only thing I've ever really done," Landry said.



Entertainment: UIL competition lies ahead of us

UIL solo and ensemble competition is approaching at the end of February. This is a competition for choir students where students either perform and ensemble piece or a solo piece to perform for judges. Kids are nervous about the competition, but are still excited.

Who: Bowie Choir
What: UIL Solo and Ensemble Competition
Where: McCallum Highschool
When: February 28th, 2015
Why: Annual Competition Bowie attends
How: Kids practice and prepare for this performance since the beginning of the semester

Choir director Ben May, sophomore Ilyanna Santos, and junior Stephanie Hernandez were all quoted.

The strongest quote was "Last year we got alines, but this year I'm not too sure because we didn't have as much time to prepare. I'm hoping we are able to get all ones," Santos said.



Commentary: Graffiti becoming part of Austin's artistic culture

Graffiti is usually considered an act of vandalism and a crime. But in Austin, landmarks such as the "i love you so much" sign are becoming loved and appreciated works of art. There is no real defining line between vandalism and art, but it seems graffiti is floating towards the art side.

Who: Austinites
What: Graffiti
Where: Austin
When: Recent past
Why: People beginning to open their minds to different forms of art and not see graffiti as only a form of vandalism.
How: Graffiti artists continue to spread the love around Austin

No one was quoted.



In Depth: Hands free cell phone policy enacted

Recently, Austin has put into effect a hands free driving policy. This has made it illegal to use any hand held electronic device while driving. The law is expected to decrease the number of distracted drivers significantly. The article also presents several alternatives to using your phone while driving with new high-tech. hands-free devices.

Who: Austin drivers
What: New hands free driving law
Where: Austin
When: January 1. 2015
Why: To try to decrease the number of car accidents in Austin
How: New law outlawing the use of an hand held electronic device while driving

Junior Marielle Lopez, senior Lauren Guilette, and senior Stacy Stacher.

The most powerful quotes was "I think the new hands free policy will make the roads safer," Guilette said.



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