Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Current Events Quiz 2.5

1. 33.9 % of Texas students are college ready.
2. Let's Go Austin spent the most lobbying for Prop. 1.
3. Breakthrough is a non-profit program being used to help keep kids in school.
4. Washing lids and using them at room temperature is a large breakthrough in sanitation this year.
5. I would like to go to the 'Natural Light' photo gallery because I enjoy looking at photography exhibits.
6. I believe that this is a wonderful advance in equality in the US. My personal opinion on same sex marriage is that it should be legal everywhere. It makes sense to have it like that, as people should be able to decide whether or not they want to spend the rest of their life with another person of the same sex or not. I think that the refusal also exhibits a strength in our government (which really isn't shown in any other places) and that the court is confident in it's decision it made and is standing by it. I hope this will lead to an eventual nation wide law that legalize same sex marriage.

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