Friday, October 24, 2014

Opinions Article

     "Freedom of speech" is the most prominent amendment to our constitution, but not completely evident in our everyday life.
     Cursing words shouldn't be excluded from our everyday vocabulary, and should be perfectly accepted words used in daily life.
      Cursing, cussing, or swearing whatever you would like to call it, has been deemed socially unacceptable in today's society in public.
      You never hear anyone swearing in front a teacher, a boss, or a client. However, we have all sworn at one point in time have we not?
     If we cuss in private, why not in public? The only difference is how many people are present when we do it.
     Parents always preach to children that swearing is "wrong" or "a sin".
     But what even is swearing? The dictionary definition is "to use profane oaths or language".
     Profanity is defined as "characterized by an irreverence or contempt to god".
     If it all comes down to religion, then isn't the definition of swearing being wrong based entirely off other peoples beliefs?
     But that's an entirely different topic, that I'm not going to get into that right now.
     Why do you think people get offended when people swear anyway? Why do you get offended (if you do) if somebody swears?
     You see black people all the time calling each other "n**ga" and none of them are ever offended. It's more like a sign of "brotherhood".
      Swearing more than half the time is used non-serious or for emphasis, like any "very" or "extremely".
      It's extremely easy to tell if somebody to means it offensively by other things such as body language and tone of voice.
     My point is, it's ridiculous that people get offended by swear words, as there only backing to it is that that simply is how society is.
     If you are offended by swearing, that is entirely your decision, and you are choosing to be offended. It's just a word, get over it.
     When I hang out with my friends, and somebody calls somebody else a b**ch, or a f*g, it's not like we all go silent in disbelief at how we think of each other.
     How do we respond? Laugh, and retaliate back with another type of meaningless insult, whether it be a swear word or not.
     I'm aware that many people, adolescents especially, swear only for the purpose of seeming tough and mature.
     I think it's dumb, but I see why kids do it. Kids are always trying to act older like their elders.
     As a kid, parents tell their kids not to swear, if not just avoiding that entire part of the English "language".
     Once kids learn these words that their "not supposed to know or say", go right ahead and begin to use them.
     It's like if a mom set's some cookies out on the table and says "You're going to be home alone for a while but don't eat any cookies.". This ensures the disappearance of at least a few cookies.
     It's almost as if our society encourages kids to use this language in a way. So why in turn, do we get angry when it's our own fault with the help of human nature?
     You don't need to look closely at this whole thing to see how ridiculous the entire "inappropriate language" mirage is.
     All you need to do is get over the fact that it's just words. Wake up and smell the roses.


  1. This commentary piece was good and you did a great job of expressing your opinion on this topic. Some things you could do to make it better may be to separate your paragraphs more, show both sides of the story, and to suggest some solutions. Other than that; good job!

  2. I agree with your opinion about swearing. It shouldn't be that big of a deal. Good job!

  3. You have obviously endorsed an excess amount of time to complete such an invigorating work. This is wonderfully written, you are most defiantly born to write.
